Recent Media: Time Out Sydney

So I’ve been very slack with my blog but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy. Since I last wrote, COVID-19 happened, the world has changed and we’re living through a once in a century pandemic.

2020 has been an unimaginably challenging year for us all on so many levels. Here in Sydney, I feel fortunate that sex workers were legally permitted to work again from July 1, much earlier than I ever thought was possible.

Over the past 10 years, I have seen the BDSM industry change, for the better and worst, however, in my 21st year of my career, I know the industry has an undefined but bright future ahead.

I’ve been at The Kastle Sydney for 2 years now and am incredibly proud to be part of a ‘family’ of passionate, professional and truly wonderful BDSM practitioners who are dedicated to being part of the longevity of the BDSM community.

Recently, Alannah Maher from Time Out Sydney visited us at The Kastle to learn more about what it’s really like to live in our wonderful world of BDSM.

As you know, I’m hyper-focused about BDSM being correctly represented in mass media and I believe Alannah has written an informative, respectful and well rounded article.

To read the full article, click on the link below:

Time Out Article


New Spring Playlist


Consent and how it works in BDSM